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SRUC Students' Association

Dùthchail na h-Alba Comann Oileanach

A pedigree chart showing the heirarchy of the academic governance at SRUC. The Academic Board is at the top with Ethics Committee, INnovation and Knowledge Exchange Committee, Learning and Teaching Committee and Research Committee below it. Ethics Committee has 2 below it - Animal Experiments Committee and Social Science Ethics Committee. Learning and Teaching has 2 below it - Programme Approvals and Academic Standards Committee, Student Support and Engagement Committee. The research Committee has Doctoral College Commitee below it.

SRUCSA and Committees

Part of a sabbatical officer’s role involves representing students at internal boards and committees across SRUC. Here is the structure of some of the committees within SRUC: There are 3…

graphic text on black background - "SRUCSA Awwards 2022" in pink neon writing. There are also decorative circles of different sizes in the background in pink, white and yellow colours

SRUCSA Awards 2022 Report

Nominations for the 2021 SRUCSA Awards were open Monday 18th April to Sunday 1st May via Microsoft Forms. Students were invited to take part by email and the awards were…

A group of 6 students smiling with their Winter Warmer goodies - they all have woolly hats on or are holding hats. Two of the students are holding SRUCSA branded paper bags. Some are wearing face coverings.

SRUCSA’s Winter Warmer 2021-2022

The Winter Warmer Campaign is what we would call a “reactive” project. Most projects you see SRUCSA carrying out are the result of officer’s manifestos – the “terms” on which…

The words 'keeping up with SRUCSA' in fron tof an image of a field of yellow flowers

Keeping up with SRUCSA April 2022

April came and went in a flash, it’s lovely to see things coming back to life, the flowers, plants and trees and our campuses. Have you been back on campus…

SRUCSA Green Health Week logo. Image of graphic text. Green SRUCSA logo in top left corner. Predominant image is the words "GREEN HEALTH WEEK" surrounded by a circle border of leaves and plants.

Green Health Week 2022!

  Throughout history, urban planners have taken inspiration from nature, from the Hanging Gardens of Babylon to the orange gardens of Seville. People who live in a concrete jungle of…

Amy (Central Co-President), Matt (NUS Scotland President) and Cara (North Co-President) pictured having a lovely time at the Awards and Dinner evening of day 1 of the conference. All 3 are smiling to the camera, wearing formal clothes for the awards ceremony.

NUS Scotland Conference 2022

Earlier this month, Amy and Cara were in Dundee for the National Union of Students (NUS) Scotland Conference. What is NUS? NUS is the central organisation which represents and works…

Keeping up with SRUCSA March 2022

Keeping up with SRUCSA March 2022

Wow! March was much more busy than we expected. It absolutely flew by. It felt like our feet did not touch the floor. The big highlight was the SRUCSA Elections. The most important event in our calendar. This year we had several big successes – More nominees than ever before, five nominees for a one position and the second the greatest number of students ever taking part in voting. The number one turnout position is still the year the merger colleges combined to form SRUCSA. So, our student body successfully chose their leaders for the 22/23 year, and we are excited to work with Claire, Liam, and Roz.

A graphic text image designed to look like a news paper - it reads "SRUCSA NEWS, SRUC agrees to release timetables in a timely manner!, Last term, we found out from Class Reps that having their timetables given to them last minute causes a huge problem. Having a timetable that allows you to balance your life, college work and paid work is critical to a good outcome. In order to make change happen, we took a paper to the Academic Board in November 2021 and SRUC agreed to address the problem. We will make sure that they do."

A Time(table) to Celebrate!

This year, term 1 timetables were released to students a few days before Welcome Week and just over a week before term started.  This just isn’t enough time for students…

Keeping up with SRUCSA February 2022

Keeping Up with SRUCSA February 2022

Winter Warmer and the nominations for our 22/23 team were the big projects of February. We also had a major win as SRUC committed to taking part in the EmilyTest…

Keeping up with SRUCSA December and January

We have spent some serious time considering why we exist. Literally, we have been thinking about what makes SRUCSA special, and what it is we are here to do. As…

Categories: 2021-2022 and Updates