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SRUC Students' Association

Dùthchail na h-Alba Comann Oileanach


Speak Week

The silhouettes of three sheep in front of an orange sunset

Speak Week Response From SRUC

In November, we collected 205 responses from students across all campuses to our annual Speak Week Survey. We processed everything you told us and created a report with recommendations for...

Amplifying Student Voices: Insights from SRUCSA Speak Week 2023

Speak Week, a key initiative at Scotland’s Rural College Students’ Association (SRUCSA), serves as a platform for students to voice their opinions, concerns, and suggestions. It’s student feedback such as...

The words 'keeping up with SRUCSA' in fron tof an image of a field of yellow flowers

Keeping up with SRUCSA April 2022

April came and went in a flash, it’s lovely to see things coming back to life, the flowers, plants and trees and our campuses. Have you been back on campus...

Keeping up with SRUCSA Nov 2021

Keeping up with SRUCSA November 2021

Online has its place, but being face-to-face is something else. Being in the same room as someone allows for informal chats, updates, and opportunities to support students directly.

The Week after SRUCSA Speak Week 2021

eek was Speak Week! We asked every SRUC student just two questions – “what do you love about SRUC?”, and “if you were in charge, what would you change?” - and allow them to answer in whatever way they feel is right.

A pond at dusk, the sky is blu pink and orange, some birds are on the edge of the pond,

Keeping up with SRUCSA October 2021

October is a lovely autumnal month with lots to look forward to, like crunchy leaves and spooky Halloween activities. Our October was focused on training. We had some difficulties due...

Speak Week 2020 Banner

What SRUC students told us in Speak Week 2020

Every year, SRUCSA asks SRUC students and learners two questions – ‘What do you love about SRUC?’ and ‘What would you change if you were in charge?’ The answers to...

Speak Week 2020 Banner

Speak Week 2020: What you told us

It’s that time of year again. No, not just dreich weather and broken New Year resolutions, but Speak Week results! In this blog we’re going to give you a quick...

Speak Week: Covid-19 Report

Collecting evidence We know that lockdown has had a profound effect on everyone’s lives, and the rapid switch to online teaching posed big challenges to both staff and students. At...