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SRUC Students' Association

Dùthchail na h-Alba Comann Oileanach


Class Reps

A newspaper-style graphic text image which reads: "Timetables available from 5 August 2022. SRUC students will be able to access a cohort timetable from the 5th of August 2022, via the SRUC website! Individual timetables will be available after enrolment. Thank you to the students who took part in collating evidence for the original Academic Board paper back in November 2021. Thank you SRUC for listening to the student voice! Want to read more about SRUCSA's work? Head to" There is an image of an alarm clock on the page.

Timetables on Track! ๐Ÿš‚

 You may remember one of our bigger successes from this year was that the SRUC Academic Board agreed that students should receive their timetables in a timely manner and would...

A pedigree chart showing the heirarchy of the academic governance at SRUC. The Academic Board is at the top with Ethics Committee, INnovation and Knowledge Exchange Committee, Learning and Teaching Committee and Research Committee below it. Ethics Committee has 2 below it - Animal Experiments Committee and Social Science Ethics Committee. Learning and Teaching has 2 below it - Programme Approvals and Academic Standards Committee, Student Support and Engagement Committee. The research Committee has Doctoral College Commitee below it.

SRUCSA and Committees

Part of a sabbatical officerโ€™s role involves representing students at internal boards and committees across SRUC. Here is the structure of some of the committees within SRUC: There are 3...

A pond at dusk, the sky is blu pink and orange, some birds are on the edge of the pond,

Keeping up with SRUCSA October 2021

October is a lovely autumnal month with lots to look forward to, like crunchy leaves and spooky Halloween activities. Our October was focused on training. We had some difficulties due...

How a Class Rep is like a Knitted Octopus ๐Ÿ™

What do class reps and knitted octopuses have in common? Perhaps more than you might think. An individual class rep has a variety of jobs to do and forums in...

Categories: 2019-20 and Class Reps Tags: Class reps